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Breaking! Infowars Host Swatted AGAIN As Infowars Comes Under Increased Globalist Attacks

Dangerous incident comes less than 24 hours after top writer Jamie White killed outside home.

Alex Jones now informed he's being targeted for assassination by Deep State hit squad.

Breaking! Infowars Host Swatted AGAIN As Infowars Comes Under Increased Globalist Attacks Image Credit: mikkelwilliam / Getty

Infowars host Chase Geiser and his family were swatted in the middle of the night for the second time in 12 hours, with footage showing the moment Austin, Texas, police used a megaphone to demand he “come out of the house” with his hands up.

Just before 2 a.m. on Wednesday morning, Geiser was told to place his hands in the air and walk backwards toward officers with their guns drawn so he could be handcuffed and his home could be searched.

“6 to 8 police officers used a PA system to call me by name and order me to walk out of my house. I was handcuffed in the middle of the street, presumably at gunpoint though I couldn’t tell because of the light being shined on my face. I was then led into the house where my wife was woken up and we were informed that they received a call from someone pretending to be me and threatening to kill my family,” he wrote on 𝕏.

Geiser was also swatted during the middle of the day Tuesday.

The Infowars host joined Alex Jones soon after the first swatting incident, which suspiciously came within hours of Infowars writer Jamie White being murdered outside his Austin apartment.

Both White and Geiser were previously listed on the Ukrainian enemies kill list, in addition to Alex Jones and this writer.

Jones responded to the news of Geiser being swatted a second time by writing, “The dying deep state is doing everything they can to try and get more of my crew killed!”

Jones joined The Benny Johnson Show Tuesday morning where he called on the Trump administration’s Department of Justice to look into the brutal slaying of White.

On Wednesday morning, Jones learned through high-level military and intelligence sources that he has been identified as a key target of globalist hit squads seeking to assassinate him.

Is the information war taking the jump from a soft battle to a kinetic fight?

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