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Watch: Crowd Boos As Trump Introduces Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

Black History Month audience lets Trump know how they feel about Big Pharma.

Watch: Crowd Boos As Trump Introduces Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Image Credit: JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images

A crowd reacted with boos at the White House Thursday after President Donald Trump acknowledged Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.

Speaking at a Black History Month event in the East Room, Trump thanked Bourla among others for attending, prompting groans and boos from audience members.

“We also have the head of Pfizer here, so I want to thank him…one of the great, great people,” Trump said, as boos rippled throughout the crowd.

“One of the great businessmen. Thank you, Albert,” Trump said, smiling and chuckling, aware of the crowd’s negative reaction to the Big Pharma chief.

Bourla’s poor reception is representative of the American people’s distrust of the Big Pharma-industrial complex and Pfizer’s rollout of the deadly Covid-19 jab, responsible for injuring and killing many people throughout the world.

Elsewhere during the event, Trump joked about running again for a third presidential term, which the crowd enthusiastically supported.

Check out Trump’s full speech:

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