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Canada’s New Carney Gov’t Has Already Given LGBTQIAAP2S+ Groups More Than $2 Million in Taxpayer Funding

Newly appointed Prime Minister Mark Carney’s government has allocated over $2 million in taxpayer funds to support various LGBTQIAAP2S+ groups in Ontario and Quebec, continuing the Trudeau regime’s focus on promoting LGBTQIAAP2S+ ideology.

The carnival of funds floods the homosexual agenda, which is now inclusive of the pedophile satanists.

Canada’s New Carney Gov’t Has Already Given LGBTQIAAP2S+ Groups More Than $2 Million in Taxpayer Funding Image Credit: Leon Neal / Staff / Getty

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Newly appointed Prime Minister Mark Carney has already spent over $2 million in taxpayer funding on LGBT groups.

According to March 21 government press releases, the Carney Liberals have directed a total of $2,118,000 to LGBT groups in Ontario and Quebec, continuing former Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s legacy of throwing taxpayer dollars at radical groups.

“With this investment, we stand alongside 2SLGBTQI+ communities in Québec in addressing systemic barriers to equality,” Steven Guilbeault, minister of Canadian Culture and Identity, Parks Canada, and Quebec Lieutenant said.

“Together, we are working to challenge discrimination in all its forms,” he continued, apparently referring to opposition to gender confusion and homosexuality as “discrimination.”

The Quebec grants include $228,511 to a group “for their project Awareness and Engagement in Rural Communities that will address the barriers to equality faced by 2SLGBTQI+ communities.”

Another $241,743, will go to push “sexual health education” on gender-confused youth.

In Ontario, Egale Canada, a LGBT legal group known for challenging pro-family laws, will receive $148,800 to fund a “pride” summit.

Additionally, Intersex Canada will be given up to $874,285 “for their project Enhancing Support and Visibility for Intersex Individuals within the 2SLGBTQI+ and broader Canadian society to enhance support and visibility for intersex individuals within the 2SLGBTQI+ communities and broader Canadian society, with a focus on collaboration with Indigenous and racialized communities in Canada.”

Notably, Carney’s grants come just a week after LGBT groups slammed the prime minister for eliminating the position of minister for women and gender equality and youth in his cabinet.

This moved caused LGBT groups to question if Carney would fund the LGBT agenda, leading a coalition of 200 LGBT groups to send a letter to him.

Campaign Life Coalition’s Pete Baklinski told LifeSiteNews that “by funding these pro-LGBT groups, Carney is showing where his allegiance lies and that he will continue his predecessor’s advancement of sexual and gender ideologies during leadership.”

“Carney is signalling that he is no different than Trudeau when it comes to advancing ideologies that undermine marriage, assault the fundamental cell of society which is the family, and push ideologies on children that are both abusive and destructive,” he continued.

Carney’s funding of radical LGBT groups using Canadians’ hard-earned tax dollars follows a decade of the Trudeau government mercilessly pushing the LGBT agenda on Canadians.

In fact, records show that the Trudeau government spent $11.2 billion on so-called “gender”-based programs in foreign countries during Trudeau’s time in office.

It’s estimated that the billions spent on projects is a conservative number. As reported by investigative blogger Pat Maloney, Canada spent $108,594,964 on LGBT ideology in 2022, a number that swelled to $665,454,357 in 2023.

Maloney reported that in 2024 Canada gave LGBT activists $6,469,076 – an increase from the previous three years, in which $12,548,238 was spent in total.

As reported by LifeSiteNews last month, Trudeau used his final days as leader of the Liberal government to promise $41.5 million in taxpayer funds to advance 106 pro-LGBT projects “across Canada.”

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