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Watch: Ian Carroll & Joe Rogan Confirm Alex Jones Is NOT Controlled Opposition

Also, learn about the first Jones video that 'really woke' up Rogan.

Watch: Ian Carroll & Joe Rogan Confirm Alex Jones Is NOT Controlled Opposition Image Credit: jre screenshot

During the latest edition of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” journalist Ian Carroll said he’s been called “controlled opposition” by some people due to his meteoric rise in popularity over the past year and noted they say the same thing about Infowars founder Alex Jones.

Rogan responded, “You’re talking to Captain Controlled Opposition here. People think that I’m controlled opposition,” adding, “That whole term is funny because there’s got to be real controlled opposition. That’s why it’s a term.”

“It’s the info-war dude,” Carroll answered.

Both men agreed that after a long enough time, it’s not too difficult to tell who the real controlled opposition is, especially after meeting people in person.

“Alex Jones is a great example,” Carroll said. “People call him controlled opposition, like, ‘He’s bought by the Jews, he’s bought by the commies, he’s bought by the…’ and it’s like, cool, but I know all of his staff and I’ve hung out with them. You’ve known him over years and years. Like, is he faking his entire life? I’ve been on his show, I’ve seen what prep they do…”

Rogan chimed in, noting Jones “was doing the exact same thing when no one was listening. He was on public radio. Alex has been saying, he’s been talking about this stuff since the ’90s. I’ve known him since I guess ’99.”

The top podcast host continued, recalling “the first video” by Jones that “really woke” him up “was the video he did on the World Trade Organization protest in Seattle when he showed there were these groups of masked men who dressed in military uniforms with military-issued shoes.”

“They all had the same shit on,” Rogan stated. “They all ran around in this peaceful protest for the World Trade Organization and started smashing things, lighting things on fire and creating chaos which allowed the police to then move in. Then, these people all holed up in one house, negotiated with the police and were all released.”

See footage of the incident from Jones’ documentary “Police State II: The Takeover.”

The podcast segment highlights how influential Jones and Infowars have been over the past few decades when it comes to waking up individuals who go on to become political gadflies in their own right.

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